Tips to Help Employees Embrace New Technologies

Do you need assistance with helping your employees embrace change in the workplace? Challenge Consulting can help with a workshop designed to help Human Resources Staff and Line Managers to work through the critical steps when anticipating or managing organisational change to ensure the best possible outcome for all stakeholders. To find out more information, click here.

Technology moves fast, and it’s not always easy to try to keep up with!

There have never been more time-saving and productivity boosting devices available to an office, but that doesn’t mean it’s simple to introduce them to employees.
In order to take advantage of new technology in the workplace, employees must be properly educated and motivated to use it. This might seem like quite a chore for some employers. However, there is hope!
Here are some helpful tips that will help employees embrace new technology at work.
Get Employees Input In the Decision Making Process
It’s really important to get employees involved in the decision making process so they feel they are contributing to the positive change in the work environment.
Inform them of the problems and/or limitations with the current methods used and how a new technology could help solve these problems and make everyone’s job run smoother.
You can use this as an opportunity to gather continuous employee feedback. By asking employees their opinions on various technology options, or any other possibilities they feel could help improve the current situation, it makes them feel they are a part of the decision making process.
When your employees feel like their opinions matter, they become more engaged and are more willing to embrace new technology.
Ongoing Training & Feedback
Once the decision is made on which new technology to implement, let your employees know that management offers ongoing support and is dedicated to everyone’s comfort level with it.
Companies will typically provide an initial training session with a representative. This might seem like enough education, but continuous training is more beneficial for everyone.
Organise regular follow up to the initial training session to see how everyone is doing.
Employees will feel encouraged and more engaged when they feel management is backing them 100%. Stay on top of how your employees are feeling by collecting continuous feedback. This will help establish stronger trust and communication within the company.
Whatever feedback you receive, please act on it quickly. Taking rapid action helps employees feel they are being listened to and respected.
Motivate Employees Who Are Embracing Technology to Help Others
Some employees resist change of routine more than others. They are simply reluctant to leave what is known to them.
Identify who is embracing the new technology and motivate them to help those who are not embracing it as much.
You could motivate them with incentives such as free lunches, mentoring in an area of their choice, or explaining to them how this helps them to take on more leadership which could contribute to them moving up in the organisation.
Having motivated workers helping others in the office not only contributes to technology training, but encourages everyone to work together towards a common goal.
By getting employees involved as part of the decision making process, demonstrating the benefits of the new technology, implementing ongoing training and feedback, and offering incentives to core employees to motivate others, employees will be more eager to embrace the new office technology…and you will helping to create a much improved work environment.
