Steps on how to establish a recruitment plan for a 200 person company in Australia

Recruitment is an essential process for any company, regardless of its size. In this article, we’ll outline a comprehensive recruitment plan for a 200 person company in Australia.

Step 1: Determine Recruitment Needs The first step in establishing a recruitment plan is to determine the company’s recruitment needs. This includes determining the number of new hires needed, the job positions to be filled, the required skills, and the desired qualifications. This information can be gathered through internal meetings with department managers and HR staff.

Step 2: Develop a Recruitment Strategy Once the recruitment needs have been determined, the next step is to develop a recruitment strategy. This should include the methods to be used for sourcing and attracting candidates, such as online job boards, employee referrals, college recruitment, and job fairs. The strategy should also outline the roles and responsibilities of HR staff, department managers, and any external recruiters.

Step 3: Create Job Descriptions and Advertisements To attract the right candidates, the company must have clear and accurate job descriptions and advertisements. The job descriptions should outline the duties, responsibilities, and qualifications required for each position. Advertisements should be posted on relevant job boards, social media platforms, and the company’s website.

Step 4: Screen and Shortlist Candidates Once applications have been received, HR staff and department managers should screen and shortlist the most suitable candidates. This process should include reviewing resumes, conducting phone screens, and inviting the top candidates for in-person interviews.

Step 5: Conduct Interviews The interview process is crucial in determining the best candidates for the positions. During the interview, the HR staff and department managers should ask questions related to the job duties, responsibilities, and qualifications, as well as questions designed to assess the candidate’s fit for the company’s culture.

Step 6: Make Job Offers Once the interviews have been completed, HR staff and department managers should make job offers to the most suitable candidates. The job offers should include the salary, benefits, and start date, and should be communicated clearly and promptly.

Step 7: Onboarding and Training The final step in the recruitment process is the onboarding and training of new hires. This should include orientation, introduction to the company culture, and training on company policies and procedures.

In conclusion, establishing a comprehensive recruitment plan is essential for a 200 person company in Australia. The plan should include determining recruitment needs, developing a recruitment strategy, creating job descriptions and advertisements, screening and shortlisting candidates, conducting interviews, making job offers, and onboarding and training new hires. With the right recruitment plan in place, the company can attract the best talent and ensure its continued growth and success.

How do I determine the recruitment needs for a 200 person company?

Determining recruitment needs for a 200 person company involves a few steps:

  1. Evaluate current staffing levels: Take a look at the current staffing levels of each department and identify any areas that may be understaffed or overstaffed. This will give you a good idea of the number of new hires needed.
  2. Assess future growth plans: Consider the company’s future growth plans and determine the job positions that will be necessary to support that growth.
  3. Analyze job turnover: Review the company’s job turnover rate and determine if there are any patterns or reasons for the turnover. If high turnover is affecting certain departments or positions, that may indicate a need for additional recruitment in those areas.
  4. Evaluate skills gap: Assess the current skill levels of employees and identify any skills gaps that need to be filled in order to support the company’s goals.
  5. Consult with department managers: Meet with the managers of each department to discuss their current staffing needs and any future needs they anticipate. They can provide valuable insights into the specific skills and qualifications needed for each position.
  6. Conduct market analysis: Analyze the job market to determine current salary ranges and the availability of candidates for the positions that need to be filled.

By considering these factors and gathering input from various stakeholders within the company, you can develop a clear picture of the company’s recruitment needs and make informed decisions about the number and types of new hires required.

Recruitment strategy template

Here is a template for a recruitment strategy:

  1. Introduction:
  • Brief overview of the company’s current staffing levels and future growth plans.
  • Statement of the recruitment goals and objectives.
  1. Recruitment Needs Assessment:
  • Detailed analysis of the current staffing levels and any staffing gaps.
  • Review of future growth plans and anticipated job positions.
  • Evaluation of job turnover and reasons for turnover.
  • Assessment of skills gap and needed skills for each department.
  • Input from department managers on their current and future staffing needs.
  • Market analysis to determine salary ranges and candidate availability.

III. Recruitment Methods:

  • Outline of the recruitment methods to be used, such as:
  • Online job boards
  • Employee referrals
  • College recruitment
  • Job fairs
  • Social media
  • Recruitment agencies
  • Explanation of how each method will be utilized and the target audience for each method.
  1. Roles and Responsibilities:
  • Outline of the roles and responsibilities of HR staff, department managers, and external recruiters in the recruitment process.
  • Description of the communication and collaboration methods to be used between these stakeholders.
  1. Job Descriptions and Advertisements:
  • Development of clear and accurate job descriptions for each position.
  • Creation of job advertisements to be posted on relevant job boards, social media platforms, and the company’s website.
  • Outline of the target audience for each job advertisement.
  1. Screening and Shortlisting Candidates:
  • Explanation of the screening process, including reviewing resumes and conducting phone screens.
  • Outline of the criteria used to shortlist the most suitable candidates.

VII. Interviews:

  • Explanation of the interview process, including the types of questions to be asked and the interview format.
  • Description of the criteria used to evaluate candidates during the interview.

VIII. Job Offers:

  • Explanation of the job offer process, including salary, benefits, and start date.
  • Description of the communication methods used to deliver the job offers to candidates.
  1. Onboarding and Training:
  • Outline of the onboarding process, including orientation, introduction to company culture, and training on company policies and procedures.
  • Explanation of how new hires will be integrated into their departments and how their training will be monitored and evaluated.
  1. Evaluation and Continuous Improvement:
  • Explanation of how the recruitment strategy will be evaluated and any changes made to improve its effectiveness.