Three Methods to Motivate Employees With Organisational Change

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The Benefits of Using a Challenge Facilitator

Using a Challenge Facilitator will maximise your desired results and investment. Your facilitator is dispassionate, unbiased, and honest, with no personal agenda. Therefore, your participants can remain focused and not become involved in any power play, personality conflicts or politics which may prevail in group dynamics.

An organisational change can take many forms, from a simple change in your business philosophy to a sweeping formal alteration of your business product or service offerings. Motivating employees through an organisational change requires a singular devotion to maintaining workforce morale. Keeping employees happy through even a small change in operations can be difficult, unless you, as a business owner, place value in the opinions and personal development of each employee.

Organisational Change Processes
Change within your organization is not necessarily a physical alteration of your business, a wholesale change in the way your company brings in money, or a shift in how your business manufactures products. Organisational change can apply to culture, business strategies and human resources management. These non-corporeal changes occur both in the minds of your workers and within the philosophies of how you, as the owner, choose to do business. According to Management Help’s website, motivating your employees through an organisational change rests on your ability to create an environment conducive to higher spirits and personal empowerment.

Facilitate Employee Learning
Simply providing additional training to familiarise employees with organisational changes isn’t sufficient to motivate workers and increase knowledge. According to, a business information website, focusing on the development of employees in terms of emotional maturity, integrity and compassion allows employees to feel personally invested in the organisational changes. Employees who feel more invested in the process of company change show higher levels of motivation and internalise new methods of operation. This allows for a smoother transition and helps your company increase overall productivity.

Align Employee Goals
Aligning the business goals of your company with the personal goals of your employees can help you increase workforce motivation through an organisational change. For example, stating the goals of your business in terms of building positive community relationships and sustaining responsible profit levels allows workers to identify with those business goals, because they can apply the concepts to personal desires. Workers who understand and approve of your company’s goals work harder to help your business achieve those milestones. By contrast, employees won’t work as hard to achieve goals they view as dishonest or amoral.

Keep Communication Open
Transparency goes a long way toward assuaging employee doubts about an organisational change, and allows workers to feel more involved with your company’s new initiatives. Scheduling question-and-answer sessions with employees can also help disseminate information, and throw water on rumors before office gossip can damage workplace morale. Speaking plainly and avoiding spin in your answers helps eliminate vague language that can cause confusion. Employees see right through an owner who doesn’t speak using direct language. Keeping communication open and positive during an organisational change keeps workers motivated, and may even lead to new ideas you didn’t consider when first implementing this change.
