Staying Organised During the Busy Holiday Season

It’s getting close to that time of year again: holiday cheer, Christmas vacation, and… the year-end rush! The holiday season can be one of the busiest times of the year, as businesses prepare for closures and as we anticipate holiday festivities, both in and out of the office. Feeling overwhelmed? You’re not alone. But there is no reason to worry: if you stay on top of tasks by getting organised and planning ahead, you can take on all the daunting tasks with ease. (Hint – these planning methods work well at any time of year!)

Stay Organised with Checklists and Calendars
  • The holiday season is filled with dates and deadlines. When do you order gifts for overseas and domestic clients? When do you need to send Christmas cards to ensure they arrive on time? When should you book your vacation flight? There are so many deadlines that they can be hard to remember. Be sure to record each date so that you don’t lose track of a crucial deadline.
With digital versions of calendars and planners, set alarms and alerts that will remind you at exactly which date and time you need to mail those cards or order decorations for the office. Prefer the tried-and-true paper calendar? Arrange for the month of December to hang right in front of your desk, so you can keep any upcoming deadlines in your line of sight.
  • Another important set of dates to track is the vacation time of your colleagues. Keep a clear list of who will be vacationing and when, so you know exactly who is accountable for work in the days before and after the holidays. Misunderstandings of who is on vacation (or not) can lead to confusion and miscommunication in the office.
  • Set an alarm for yourself to record an away message on your voice mail and email when you leave the office for the holidays. In the scramble to get out the door on December 23, this task can be forgotten – leaving it unclear to your contacts as to which day you will be reachable again.
The Office Holiday Party
Depending on the size of your company, many office holiday parties take at least a month to plan when it comes to developing a budget, ordering catering, booking a venue, sending invitations, and decorating. If you are in charge of the party, start now – and take a look at our blog on the office party to help you begin planning.

If you are tasked with planning the office holiday party, ensure that you are not alone. Arrange for a small team or committee that is willing to divide up the tasks. Planning a company-wide party alone can be a daunting task, especially in the midst of other year-end obligations.

Don’t Forget to Relax

One of the most important things to remember during the chaos of the holiday season is to maintain a healthy work-life balance. Finding time to de-stress amidst the holiday build-up, as well as making time to enjoy family and friends during the holidays, is critical to our health and well-being.
Finding it difficult to unplug during the holidays? Check out our blog on finding a work-life balance during the holidays, which may inspire you to take time off so you can feel refreshed in the New Year. Or, it may provide an extra incentive to get extra work done this month so you can relax over the holidays! 
