Key Benefits of Mentoring

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The world of work has changed considerably over the past two decades. Employees are now expected to do more with less resources, as well as always ‘being on’ in a 24/7 world. Having a mentor, someone who can guide and advise you, who you can talk freely with, will make your career journey smoother and more enjoyable. Mentors are essential to career success, and if you find a mentor that is right for you, the experience is an informal education.

A research study by Sun Microsystems reported that both mentors and mentees get promoted faster, and enjoy more salary increases. But there are many more benefits to being a mentor and having a mentor.

Benefits of Being a Mentor

  • Satisfaction knowing that you are helping someone to achieve their professional goals.
  • Affirmation of professional competence.
  • Opportunity to build your leadership and management skills.
  • Opportunity to give back to your industry.
  • Opportunity to build an enduring career network.
  • Gain insights and different perspectives from future members of your profession.

Benefits of Having a Mentor

  • Insider’s perspective on navigating your career.
  • Someone to bounce ideas off.
  • A champion to cheer you on.
  • Hold you accountable.
  • Receive critical feedback.
  • Help you to make decisions about your career path.
  • Exposure to diverse perspectives and experiences.
  • Provide you with impartial advice.
  • Boost your career prospects and growth.
  • Greater knowledge of career success factors.
  • Open doors for you.
  • Develop a sharper focus on what is needed to grow professionally within the organisation
  • Help you to succeed if you do the work.
  • Gain access to your mentor’s network of contacts.
  • Learn from their real-world experiences.
  • Learn specific skills and knowledge that are relevant to professional goals.
  • People who are mentored stay on the job longer.
  • Expand your leadership abilities.
  • Increase the capacity to translate values and strategies into productive actions.
  • Allow for increased self-awareness and self-discipline.
