How to Embrace Change and Make it a Workplace Asset

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No matter what your chosen occupation might be, you’re bound to experience change in the workplace at some point. Whether dealing with updated management systems, new personnel, or advances in technology, employees who can go with the flow bear a distinct advantage over those who struggle with change. It’s a natural urge to fight change, particularly when you feel that you’ve mastered a given situation. Yet flexibility and adaptability in the office can be great assets which can help you grow along with your business.

The Advantages of Flexibility
Adaptability in the workplace bears benefits for both employee and employer. From the employee’s side, embracing change provides a way to grab opportunities when they arise. Employees who are unwilling to tackle new challenges and go out of their comfort zone may miss out on opportunities for advancement. Flexibility can be a boon for those who want to strike a better work/life balance, allowing workers to telecommute or pick up odd shifts. In a dynamic, shifting workplace, flexibility allows you to adapt to change quickly and reduce stress. From the managerial point of view, flexibility also creates a more balanced workplace. You can find out more here about why employers value adaptability in the work force.

Changes in Processes

There are a number of benefits to adaptability, but how do you learn how to embrace change? It can be frustrating when the company you work for implements new systems and processes. To ease this transition, it may be helpful to keep a log of these changes and how they work in real life. If you notice that a particular change to work processes is decreasing workplace efficiency, keep a tally of how and why this happens so that you can tweak the system together with a supervisor. This shows a proactive attitude to changing systems.

Changes in Personnel

Whether you are a receptionist or CEO, chances are that you’ll need to interact with a variety of different people throughout the course of the workday. The cast of characters you deal with in the workplace will vary over time as well, with rotating co-workers, clients, and suppliers. It’s particularly important to learn how to adapt to new personnel, who may have different modes of communication or learning styles. You may have learned how to prepare a meticulous daily report for your old manager, only to find out that your new manager prefers an informal chat session at the end of the week. Observe your colleagues’ preferred methods of communication and try to adapt to work with them in the most positive ways.

The Bottom Line

Changes to workplace systems and communication methods can be challenging, but by maintaining a positive attitude throughout times of change you’ll prove your worth as an employee. Some degree of flexibility can help the entire organisation move forward, despite growing pains along the way. Your ability to advance along with these new systems will show that you’re ready to tackle challenges head-on.