Video Resumes: Yay or Nay

I was curious about this one, I have been hearing about it more and more through the grapevine with mixed reviews and I wanted to see if many of you out there were familiar with it?

I can understand the appeal, it puts a face to the name and makes the individual stand out more than just a piece of paper. But I guess my concern is whether or not an individual is portraying themselves in the right light? You can edit a video to portray yourself in the right light, but when it comes to face to face are you all that you say you are?

Let’s face it, we are a generation that loves a good reality television series, or a good YouTube video clip. Regardless of how the individual is portrayed we just can’t get enough. But does this overall portray a good image? We will soon have a reality television series being launched in my area called ‘The Shire’ and I think it has bad news written all over it.

But please don’t take my pessimism to heart. How else can you stand out from the rest without a bit of creativity, flair and enthusiasm?

Here are some of the responses you had stated:

1) It is such a great opportunity to see the candidate as themselves, not just a black and white piece of the work history. We have received some fantastic video resumes and almost 100% of the time it will get the candidate to the first round of interviews. (Just make sure the video isn’t tacky or inappropriate!)

2) I believe that a well laid out resume speaks best upon first contact with applicants. Once we have established that they meet the basic criteria of what we are looking for, then we can further cull with an interview process which allows for the applicants verbal and presentation skills to shine. A video resume can be misleading as it is edited, we personality traits etc. and can distract from the purpose of focusing on the selection criteria. As an addition and/or business card it can work.

A website that I reviewed called pointed out some of the disadvantages of video resumes that I thought you may want to consider:

  • You will not capture your potential employer if you are simply regurgitating what is written on paper
  • Only certain personality types will shine on video
  • If sending by email, the file will often be too large to view
  • Firewall settings may block the video
  • Compatibility problems depending on Mac or PC review
  • It is difficult to review an applicants work history on video

Another website lists the pro’s associated with video resumes:

  • Interview – this will save the employer time in determining how you are in person as opposed to on paper.
  • Identity – Hundreds of resumes can start to blend together after a while, however, a video resume can appear more personal.
  • Re-Evaluation – Something that the employer can come back to review to remember each candidate.

So again with our generation all turning towards online branding, let’s face it we are a social network of Facebook, Linkedin and Twitter, it looks like employers are not turning down this new idea just yet. As long as you are portraying the right message for your employer, and portraying the best image/branding of yourself as you can, you may just be taking that extra step to get yourself into that round one interview.

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