Two Weeks To Go Until Jenna Baril Completes The Ultimate Challenge For Oxfam New Zealand

I cannot believe how quickly time has passed! When I think back to August when we initially met as a group to discuss taking on this 100km journey for charity I thought we would have plenty of time to prepare ourselves before the big day. Although we have been training extensively and we are stronger than ever, I guess the ‘reality’ of the event being just around the corner hasn’t hit us until now.

While training at the gym and partaking in long walks and camping adventures together (and also the Warrior Dash in February for a bit of fun as you can tell by this image) we have also had some amazing blessings come our way. Sponsorship is underway with some very generous donations so far, we confirmed a support crew when we thought we would have to complete the walk carrying our own supplies and our teammate Ryan La Motte also proposed this month and is now engaged!

We have been in mud, rain and overcast weather to intense humidity, so our shoes are definitely broken in! We’ve climbed through dry riverbeds, climbed up rock faces by rope and have seen some of the most beautiful sunsets and even storms over the horizon. Regardless of the locations we have travelled, seeking the next adventure, every experience has been different, challenging and beautiful in its own unique way.

Our team have learned some important lessons from our experiences together which includes, but is not limited to, the following:

  • When camping together on a remote island, NEVER ration bug spray  – you will regret it.
  • Most flies and insects that bite are attracted to the colour blue and will bite you twice as much.
  • Finding a coconut on a remote island will not always mean the milk inside is fresh
  • Do not dare fellow participants to partake in any activities that will have a damaging effect on your eyesight.
  • No matter how much you try to boil it, salt water will still taste like salt water and is no substitute for fresh.
  • Make sure to have a proper rain jacket and do not attempt to wear a poncho while climbing.
  • If you are extremely pale in complexion, like myself, you will get burnt on an overcast day… every time.
  • A tin of tuna can go a long way between five people for lunch.
  • Finding a toilet facility on your bushwalk does not always mean it will be a sanitary experience – always carry wet wipes.

Now we are contemplating any final packing requirements and will be departing on 30th March 2012 to New Zealand to Taupo where our journey begins.

So why are we doing this walk? For those of you that are not familiar with Oxfam, here is a little background information that you may find useful: Oxfam exists for a very simple reason – Because poverty and injustice are unacceptable. We believe everyone can play a part in creating a world free from poverty. Oxfam Trailwalker is your chance to make a difference.

Everyone has the right to the essentials of life – clean water, food, shelter, sanitation, healthcare, education and a livelihood to support themselves, their children and their community. Everyone also has the right to live free from violence. These are fundamental rights and we believe they can be achieved for us all.

Oxfam New Zealand works in Africa, Asia and the Pacific with poor communities and local organisations to help people address the root causes of poverty. But we recognise that to achieve lasting change we also need to challenge and change unjust policies and practices that reinforce poverty. That is why we work not only at the grassroots level but also with organisations, institutions and governments at the national and international level.

Oxfam’s belief in fundamental human rights underpins our work around the globe and our campaigning and advocacy work. We are fighting for a world where every person has:

  • The right to a sustainable livelihood
  • The right to basic services such as health, education and safe water
  • The right to life and security
  • The right to be heard
  • The right to an identity

To find out more about our team ‘The Bush Ramblers’ or to find our more about Oxfam’s click here for more details.

On behalf of our team we thank you for taking the time to read this blog and we appreciate the support of all of our sponsors so far. We will make sure to keep you posted on our upcoming results!