If you are wanting a fresh start in your career and are not sure which path to take, why not speak to someone that can lead you on the path to success? The value of career counselling and guidance lies in self-empowerment. Challenge Consulting’s Career Guidance Options empower you to take your first step on the road to career satisfaction and success. Click here to find out more or to speak to someone today. |
– Point out specific accomplishments for each job description.
– Quadruple check for any misspellings or grammatical errors – these mistakes can get your resume quickly tossed into the trash.
– Cut out the clutter and add what you really want the hiring manager to see – your resume might only be given a cursory glance.
– Come prepared with your elevator pitch – including your accomplishments and career goals.
– Bring a couple business cards in your wallet in case you find the right person to give one to.
– Enjoy yourself, but go easy on the alcohol – there’s nothing less professional than being too tipsy.